Merchant Resources

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Customized Development

We offer web development services with options to suit your needs and budget.  Options are generally categorized as follows:

Static web sites: These generally  project your business, contact information, description of your merchandise or services, graphics pertaining to your business, perhaps your prospectus, customer comments etc.  Web sites in this mode have a static arrangement although they may be multiple pages with various aspects about your business.  However, other than simple email the website does not interact with the user. This is the simplest form of a website.

Dynamic web sites: These offer all the features of a static web site but they also interact with the user, via forms that allow the user to submit data and receive targeted response.  Other examples of dynamic features include mailing lists, keyword search, guestbooks, etc. Sites of this sort require programming specific to the tasks that you would like your site to feature.

E-commerce sites : These are sites that allow the user to browse through your online merchandise and buy online.  We use proprietary software for this purpose that offers a wide range of features ranging from storefront management to customer management, from shipping computation to coupons and gift certificates to real time credit card clearance.  All the management is done via a web browser using an intuitive web interface.  Our software is also bilingual and it “speaks” both English and Greek. It has its own integrated database system; a feature that makes it completely autonomous and independent from extra database servers that may incur steep monthly fees.  We can also customize it so as to introduce other features that may be specific to your business, and we are constantly developing new features as optional plug-ins. You can see a detailed description on which we have established for the purpose of showcasing our software.

Pricing on the above options depends on the features required which determines the amount of custom programming required to build them.   Our pricing is competitive and we welcome you to contact us for further details.

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